Friday, September 2, 2016

September 2, 2016
Dear Families,
We have had a great start to the new school year.  All of your children are wonderful. Everyone seems to be putting their best foot forward.  Enclosed in the Friday Folder, that went home with your child today, is important information for you about the following:
1.     Our classroom is a peanut and tree nut free classroom.  Bringing treats in for birthdays or other celebrations is fine, but please remember to check the ingredients and to be sure the food is processed in a nut tree environment.  Thanks!
2.     Grade 5/6 Wrightsville Dam Team Building Day Field Trip Permission Form.  Please return this by Tuesday September 6th
3.     All School Hike Sign-Up and Permission Form.  Please return by Friday September 9thEnclosed in that form is information for you if you are interested in chaperoning. 
PARENT INFORMATION NIGHT:  I hope to see all of you on Parent information night, Tuesday September 6th from 6PM to 7:30. There will be an information session in our classroom from 6:00-6:25 and another from 6:30 – 6:50.  Both of these sessions will be the same.  I will be speaking about the 5th and 6th grade academic program and expectations for students.  This evening is not the usual open house.  It is directed towards parents to inform you of what is going on in your child’s classroom.
Please remember to return the information packet and the classroom
 blog permission form that was sent home on Monday as soon as possible.  Thanks so much.
             We are beginning our classroom read, Number the Stars, written by Lois Lowry.  This wonderful book takes place during World War II.  Students will be assigned chapters to read and questions to answer related to the text.  Students will be expected to be prepared to discuss what they have read.  We are also reading Harris and Me, by Gary Paulsen, as a class read aloud. 
            With the start of the new school year, we have been talking about beginnings in class.  Students were assigned a Quote Response, due Thursday September 8th , that is related to “beginnings”.  The assignment and the scoring rubric is glued into their writing journal.  Students may neatly hand write their response or type it on the computer.  Ask your child about the quote response! 
In 6th grade math, students worked on a multiplication and division timed test, as well as a math skills review assessment. 6th graders also have a POW, or Problem of the Week, called the Railroad Problem, which is due on Tuesday September 6th.  This assignment requires students to write step by step directions to show how they solved the problem.  Ask your student if they solved the problem!  
5th graders were also assigned the Railroad Problem and a POW (Problem of the Week) called All that Glitters.  This is due Monday September 12th
In geography, we are learning where the 50 states in the United States are located.  I am impressed with how quickly students were able to learn where the states are located. We will then move to onto Europe, northern Africa and western Asia. This will prepare students for our Ancient Civilizations unit. 
There are always many things to get the year off on the right foot.  We are talking about safe, responsible and respectful behavior and reviewing PBIS behavior expectations for the classroom and the entire school (cafeteria, hallways, playground and the bus). Thank you for supporting your child’s effort to be safe, respectful and responsible.  
Don’t forget that Picture Day is Tuesday September 6th!

Have a great long weekend.  See you Tuesday evening at the Parent Information Night. 

Ellen Knoedler

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