Sunday, December 6, 2015

Mrs. Knoedler’s 6th Grade Classroom Newsletter
December 4, 2015
Dear Families,

Wow!  The room is filled with stunning Ancient Egypt projects.  I am very impressed with everyone’s creativity.  Students presented their projects to other classrooms this afternoon.  They became the teachers.  This is an excellent introduction to our information writing genre that we will begin next week.  Next week we will have the pre-assessment on Thursday and Friday, if needed.  Students are researching information for their pre-assessment and may bookmark internet sites or take notes on Google docs, but students should not begin writing their piece. 

In Literacy we are continuing to read Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen.  Students are assigned chapters to read and questions to answer.  Some questions ask students to think deeply about their reading, give their opinion and support their opinion with evidence from the text.  Often it takes several sentences to thoughtfully answer the questions.

In math, we are working on finding fractions, creating decimals by dividing the numerator by the denominator, and then multiplying the decimal to determine the percent.  We are also working of determining “how many” a percent equals.  For example, if I have 532 M+M’s, how many is 60%?  First I convert the percent to a decimal by dividing it by 100.  That gives me .60.  Next I multiply .60 by 532.  I do this because 532 is my whole or total or my denominator.  The unknown is the numerator.  The unknown divided by 532 equals .60  If I know the quotient and the divisor, I can multiply them to determine the unknown or the numerator or the dividend because multiplication checks division.  While students may do some of this problem solving mentally, they still need to be able to explain their thinking.  532  X  .60 = 319.2.  319.2 M + M’s.

There is a Math POW that is due Wednesday December 9th, called More Fraction, Decimal, and % Work (Clifford and the Civil War). 

Have a great weekend.  Ellen

Friday, November 13, 2015

Mrs. Knoedler’s 6th Grade Newsletter
November 13, 2015
Dear Families,
          These November days remind me of poet Robert Frost’s, My November Guest.  It was great to meet with many of you last week at Parent Teacher Conferences. 

          Literacy: Students began a new class read this week, Touching Spirit Bear.  Students are assigned chapters and have questions to answer that will prepare them for discussions.  These are thinking questions and often require more than a sentence or two to fully and deeply answer them.  Students are to read chapters 3, 4, 5 and answer the questions for Tuesday, November 17thPlease remember that students are required to read 30 minutes a day and to record that reading on the Weekly Reading Log that is turned in each Wednesday.

          Math:  Students began work on learning how to change a fraction to a decimal and then turn that decimal to a percent.  If you divide the numerator of a fraction by its denominator, you will find the decimal.  Then simply take that decimal, and multiply it by 100 to determine the percent. 

          Ancient Egypt:  In social studies, we are reading about Ancient Egypt and the pyramids.  Students are reading to find the main idea of a passage and then writing 3 supporting details to support their main idea.  The Ancient Egyptians were an interesting and intelligent civilization.  We also watched an excellent video on the building of the pyramids. 

Have a great hunting or sock sale weekend!  All the best, Ellen

Saturday, October 17, 2015

October 16, 2015

Dear Families

This has been a short but productive week.  Just a reminder that the Independent Book Log Assignment, or the “12 of 18”,  is due Tuesday October 20th.  There is an expectation that all the work is of high quality.  Please check in with your child to be sure that they are keeping up and that they have completed or will have completed 12 of the 18 by Tuesday October 20th.  It is important that students read and adhere to the scoring rubric.  Remember that: neatness counts,  spelling counts, and punctuation counts.  Students should also be keeping track of their independent reading in the Weekly Reading Log.  This is due each Wednesday.  The new POW (math Problem of the week), Things I’ve Been Pondering, is due Wednesday October 21st. 

Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on Friday November 6th.  Please read the information sent home with your child on Friday about Parent Teacher Conferences.  Please fill out the sign-up sheet about possible conference times and return it to me by Friday, October 23rd.

Have a great weekend.  Ellen

Friday, October 9, 2015

October 9, 2015
Dear Families,

            Just a note to remind you that our classroom newsletter is posted on our blog at  The newsletter contains information about classroom happenings, homework and due dates,  and photos. 

            There is no school for students Monday October 12 and Tuesday October 14th. 

            Literacy:  Students continue to work on their personal narratives.  Students are working on creating a powerful lead, a lasting ending, zeroing in on a small moment and stretching out the important part of the story.  As always editing is very important for any writer, 
            Students were assigned the 12 of 18 Independent Book Project.  This is due Tuesday October 20.  Students were given the 18 options to choose from and the scoring rubric. 
            Students were also given a reading log.  6th graders should be reading on average 30 minutes a day.  This is in their binders for easy access at home to record their daily reading.  The reading logs will be due each Wednesday.  Reading is the single most important thing your child can do in their life.

            Math:  In math, we reviewed rounding and the rules for rounding.  We are now beginning fractions.  In order for students to be successful in 6th grade math, they must know their multiplication facts.  The new problem of the week, Greenhouse Gasses, is due Wednesday October 14th. 

Have a great long weekend.   Enjoy the foliage.      Ellen


Monday, October 5, 2015

October 5, 2015
Dear Families,
October is off to a busy start.  Everyone is settling in to the rigors of sixth grade.  It is important for students to keep track of long range projects and to work on them a little at a time.  The design your own island maps are displayed in the hallway and the classroom.  The most important thing for students to remember is to follow the rubric. 

Literacy:  Students are working on a personal narrative writing piece.  We discussed how to write a lead for the narrative to keep the reader interested.  We are also working on increasing elaboration and writer’s craft in a personal narrative.  It is important to show the reader with words what feeling or emotion the person is experiencing.  We will also discuss adding transition words to writing.   We finished or read aloud, Harris and Me.  I think we were all sad to see the book end.  Today we started our next read aloud, Freak the Mighty, by Rodman Philbrick.   

Students were also assigned an independent book project, referred to as the 12 of 18.  This is due Tuesday October 20, 2015.  Students should work on this a little each night.  Ask your child to see the assignment and the rubric. This project is based on a book students have read independently with in the last few weeks or one that they are currently reading.

Math:  Students are continuing their work with factors, multiples and division.  It is critical that your child knows their multiplication facts.  Having a solid command of the multiplication table is the basis of sixth grade math. 

Science:  Students conducted their own bubble experiment.  Experiments included adding baking soda or milk or carbonated water, to name a few items, to bubble solution to see what kind of affect it had on blowing bubbles.  Some students compared four different colors of Dawn dish soap!  Ask your child what their experiment was.  Students also presented their findings to the class. 

With dewy grass and wet weather approaching, it is important for students to have two pairs of shoes at school.  This keeps dirt out of the classroom and keeps the school easier to clean.  Thanks for your help with this.  

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Friday September 18, 2015: Photos and Newsletter

Nature Journaling and Making Bubbles.  Our class newsletter follows the photos.  

Finding a tree to sketch, describe and observe its surroundings.

Sketches from our first nature journal excursion.

 Bubbleology:  Making bubbles with the giant wands. 

Friday, September 18, 2015

September 18, 2015
Dear Families,

The All-School Hike is scheduled for next Friday September 25th.  Information will be given to students today about the hike they will be on.  Please note the departure time,  as some hikes leave earlier than the start of school.

This morning we went out into the woods for our first nature journal excursion.  The weather was great.  Students found a tree and sketched it and the surrounding area.  One of the great things about nature journaling is that it allows us to “still” ourselves.  We are often going at a fast pace, surrounded by technology and we simply don’t take the time to still ourselves and observe nature around us. 

Literacy:  We are continuing to read Number the Stars as a class read.  Students were assigned chapters 11 and 12 and questions.  These are due Tuesday September 22.  We are also continuing our class read aloud, Harris and Me. 

Math:  In math, we are continuing our work with prime numbers.  It is very important that students know their multiplication tables.  Having these facts literally at your fingertips is key to understanding the new concepts that will be introduced in 6th grade.  Students were assigned a new word problem, “Sleepy Time”.  This is due Wednesday September 23rd.

Science:  We started our Bubbleology Unit today with a bubble quiz.  We also went outside to blow gigantic bubbles and to determine which soap solution worked the best.  A good time was had by all.

Map Skills:  Students were assigned a Create Your Own Island Map Project.  Students must create an island and include 29 landform terms on their map.  They must also include definitions, written in their own words, of the 29 terms.  Your child should have a rubric that has a complete description of the assignment and the expectations for the project.  This is due Monday September 28th.

It is important that all students try to be in school on Tuesday September 22nd as we will be taking an online math assessment called the EasyCBM.  Thanks for your help with this.  We will be testing in the afternoon right after lunch, around 12:40. 

Have a great weekend.  Ellen

Friday, September 11, 2015

Mrs. Knoedler’s 6th Grade Classroom Newsletter
September 11, 2015
Dear Families,

            This will be the last paper classroom newsletter.  Future newsletters will be posted on our classroom blog.  I will also begin sending the newsletter home via email.  I do not have an email address for a few families.  If you are not receiving the newsletter via email and would like to, please email me at: and send me your email address.  Thanks so much.  Please visit our blog at:

Dates to remember:
1.                          1.   Open House at EMES is Wednesday, September 16th, from 6:00pm to 7:00.  Please come to our classroom from 6:00 to 6:20 for a presentation about the academic program and expectations for 6th graders.
2.                         2.    All School Hike, which is Friday, September 25th.  The rain date is Friday October 2nd
3.                         3.  Also, we will be starting Nature Journaling soon.  All students took home their nature journal from last year.  We would like to continue with those journals.  Many students have found their journal and brought it in.  It would be great if you could help your child locate their journal and bring it in. If you are interesting in helping with nature journaling please let me know.   Thanks so much. 

This week, in writing, students completed their narrative pre-assessment.  This begins our first genre of writing.  This year we will work on three major writing pieces, narrative, information, and opinion, along with other smaller daily writing assignments.  We are continuing our class read aloud, Harris and Me, and students are reading Number the Stars, and completing written responses to their reading.  These assignments should be written in your child’s assignment book. 
In math, we are working on factors and prime factorization.  Students were given a new math problem of the week, or POW, called Terrific Twins.  This is due Wednesday September 16th
We have taken a brief hiatus from science to work on some map skills that will help students better understand the world we live in.  Students will be given a Create Your Own Island assignment on Monday, September 28th.  They will be required to define landform terms and create an island using those terms.  I will be giving students time in class to work on this but some work may have to be done at home.  Students will receive a rubric and large paper for the activity.  This will be due Monday September 28th.  We will resume science nest week.
Please read the important information regarding photos of your child and/or their work in school publications and blogs.  Thanks so much.

                                    All the best.            Ellen Knoedler
                                                               6th grade Teacher

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Mrs. Knoedler’s 6th Grade Classroom Newsletter
September 4, 2015
Dear Families,
September has started off very warm but I must say that all students are doing their best to stay focused. 
Math:  The math consultant visited our classroom this week and students had a refresher course in the Cuisenaire rods and the process of moving from the concrete to the pictorial to the abstract in math.  We also began talking about ways we can represent multiplication:  repeated addition, equal groups, rectangular array, and  area of a rectangle.  Students were given a new POW (Math Problem of the week) called “The Crawler”.  We spent time in class reading the problem, highlighting the important information, and creating the fact box.  Most students should have a good start on the problem.  This is due Wednesday September 9th.  Please remind your student that neatness counts, spelling counts and punctuation counts in all their assignments. 
In literacy, we are continuing our class read, Number the Stars, written by Lois Lowry.  Our class discussions have been great.  Please ask your child about the assigned readings and the questions they have to answer. Students should read chapters 5 and 6 and answer questions related to the reading.  This is due Wednesday September 9th.   Again, please remind your student that neatness counts, spelling counts and punctuation counts in all their assignments.
In science, we tested our Fortune Fish to see whether light, electricity, moisture, moving air or heat made the fish move.  Ask your child which environment is the correct scientific explanation as to why the plastic Fortune Fish moved in our hand.
Grade 6 Band has started. If your student is in band, please be sure they bring their instruments on Wednesday and Thursday. 
Open House at EMES is Wednesday, September 16th, from 6:00pm to 7:00.  Please come to our classroom from 6:00 to 6:20 for a presentation about the academic expectations for 6th graders. 
Information will be coming home soon about the All School Hike, which is Friday, September 25th.  The rain date is Friday October 2nd.  Please try to visit our classroom blog at:

I hope you have a great long holiday weekend.    Best regards, Ellen

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Class Newsletter

        Mrs. Knoedler’s 6th Grade Classroom Newsletter

August 28, 2015
Dear Families,

Thank you for having such wonderful children. The school year is off to a fabulous start. Everyone is  working hard. 
There are always many things to get the year off on the right foot.  We are talking about safe, responsible and respectful behavior and reviewing PBIS behavior expectations for the classroom, the entire school (cafeteria, hallways, playground and the bus). Thank you for supporting your child’s effort to be safe, respectful and responsible. The Family Handbook was also sent home.  This explains, in detail, all school policies.
Our first quote writing response, related to beginnings, was due today, Friday.  On Monday we will set up our reading journals for the 40 Book Challenge.  I cannot stress enough the importance of reading.  Reading is the single most important thing that a person can do to help themselves be a complete learner.  Students also completed an assignment book scavenger hunt to familiarize themselves with their assignment book.
In science, we discussed the scientific method and conducted and experiment to see what cleaned cooking off of a human beings hands better: soapy water or plain water.
In math, students took timed tests in all the 4 operations and a place value assessment.  Students were also assigned two math word problems, or POW”S (Problem of the Week).  We also discussed the proper way to write up the math word problems.  Students have a rubric to follow and a sample write up to follow.  The “How Fast” word problem is due Tuesday September 1 and the Train Problem is due Wednesday September 2.  While the  train problem might not seem like a typical math problem, it does involve logic and quite a bit of thinking!  Ask your child about both of the math word problems.  It is fine to “help” your child, but students should be figuring out the problem themselves.  
Please remember to return the information forms and the classroom blog permission form to school as soon as you can.   
       Picture is Tuesday September 1. 
Have a great weekend.     Ellen

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Class Newsletter

June 6, 2015
Dear Families,

As of this writing there are 8 action packed days left to the school year.  Mr. Q and I are keeping an eye on the weather for our Thursday June 11th trip to Ogunquit beach.  We will make a determination about the trip on Wednesday June 10th ,  before kids leave for the day, if the weather forecast is not good for Thursday.  Right now, the weather looks promising but you never can tell with the weather.  We will keep you posted.  If we need it, the rain date is Monday June 15th. 

Since we are leaving so early in the morning to go to Ogunquit, it will be difficult to order a lunch from the school cafeteria.  However, if your child absolutely needs a lunch from the cafeteria for the trip, please let me know by Monday so I can work something out with the kitchen. 

Also, if it is a hardship for you to have your child at school by 6:00am on Thursday, please let me know by Monday so I can help you work something out.  There may be another family driving by your house that would be willing to drive your child to the school as well.

Here are a few other important notes:

Middle Ages Open Book/Take Home Test:  The Middle Ages Open Book /Take Home Test is due Monday June 8th! 

Final Quote Response is due Wednesday June 10th!

Math:  Students were given their last word problem of the year on Friday.  Most have the computation already completed and now have to just wow me with their explanation.

Literacy:  Students are reading the book, Stones in Water, written by Donna Jo Napoli.  Students are to read to page 146 by Monday June 8th and should finish the book by Friday June 12th.  I have finished scoring the post opinion assessments and all students did a great job, with many students showing strong improvements.

Science Oceans/Sustainability:  We learned about the tides and currents of the oceans.  Students are now working on an independent project (in class) on an ocean/sustainability topic.  Students are investigating the perils that may surround that topic, such as sea birds eating the plastic that litters the ocean, and then creating a presentation for their classmates. 

On Tuesday, June 9th, we will travel to U32 for Unity Day.  Students will meet their classmates from the other sending schools and will spend the day in their core at U32.  Lunch will be provided by U32, so no need for a lunch that day. 

Have a great weekend, Ellen

Friday, May 29, 2015

May 29th Class Newsletter

May 29, 2015

Dear Families,

I was very impressed with the hard work all students put into their opinion post writing assessment.  There were a variety of opinions students were writing about.  Opinions about such topics as a ban on smoking, animals in zoos, movie stars making too much money, the legalization of marijuana, and that students should be taught about the ingredients in food were ferociously defended. 

In math we are working on understanding multiplication and division using the area of a rectangle model, the partial product model and the standard algorithm model.  We are also continuing with math word problems that are a review of what we have learned this year. 

In social studies, students were assigned a final open book test on the Middle Ages.  Students may chose to write answers for each question or they may choose to take notes on each question and present the answers orally to me.  This is due by Monday June 8th.

If you have not returned the permission slip for your child to attend Unity day at U32 on Tuesday, June 9th, please return it on Monday June 1st.  Your child will not be able to travel on the bus to U32 without the permission slip filled out. 

Please read the information about the upcoming Ogunquit Oceans Field Trip on June 11th.   If you have any questions about the trip, please contact me.

Information regarding graduation and how you can help make this a meaningful evening for all students can be found on the Grade 6 homepage on the EMES school web site.  Please consider calling someone who has volunteered on one of the committees to see how you can help.  Volunteers are what it takes!

 As of this newsletter, there are 13 days of school remaining.  Yikes, it is winding down fast!

Have a relaxing weekend.     Ellen

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Castle Project Photos and May 22 Newsletter

Mrs. Knoedler’s 6th Grade Classroom

May 22, 2015
Dear Families,

I was greatly impressed with all the hard work that students put forth in their castle presentations.  I am sure they are more than happy that the due date is here and I can erase that homework assignment from the board!  Thank you for your support for this project.  Photos of the castle presentation follow this newsletter posting! More to come soon! Enjoy!

Unity Day/Move Up Day:  On Tuesday June 9th, 6th graders will be going to U32 to in-coming 7th grade activities.  A permission slip was sent home in your child’s Friday Folder today.  Please sign and return to school.  Thanks.   

Graduation:  The Sixth Grade Graduation will be held Tuesday evening at 6:00pm.  Please consider volunteering for a committee to help.  A list of committees and the people on them was sent home today in your child’s Friday Folder.

Literacy:  Next week we will be working on our Post Opinion Writing Assessment.  On Tuesday, students will research supporting evidence to use to support their opinion.  We will be writing the post-assessment on Wednesday and Thursday. 

Math:  We are continuing to review units from this past year. 

Have a restful Memorial Day weekend.  Take care, Ellen