Sunday, January 31, 2016

Just a note to let you know that report Cards were sent home with your student on Friday.  They are in an envelope in their Friday folder, if they returned their Friday folder or in their backpack if they have not returned the red Friday folder.

Literacy:  Students are making great progress on their information writing about the person in history.  These should be completed by next Thursday, February 4th.  The Person in History Presentation is due Wednesday, February 17th.  There will be a Celebration of Learning at the school that evening to showcase the Person in History work, as well as other student work throughout the building.  Students will be dressed up as their person and will be speaking as if they were the person.  It should be a great evening!  Please mark your calendars.  Students can and should be working on this presentation at home in order to finish it on time.  The 17th will arrive soon!

Also, a reminder that the U32 information packet forms are due on Tuesday February 16th.  If you have specific questions about courses, please call the U32 guidance department and they will be happy to help you.

Everyone greatly enjoyed the bridge weigh in this afternoon!  The maximum amount held was a record setting 125.7!  Wow!

Have a great weekend, Ellen

Friday, January 22, 2016

January 22, 2016

Mrs. Knoedler’s 6th Grade Class Newsletter
January 22, 2016
Dear Families,

            The folders for U32 were sent home on Thursday and hopefully you had an opportunity to attend the Parent Meeting last night at U32.  Please return all the information forms to EMES by Tuesday February 17th.  Thanks so much.

            PERSON IN HISTORY:  Students are progressing with their Person in History profile.  Students should be working on the body or “chapters” of the paper and then on to the conclusion.  Students should be working on this at home. 
The poster presentation boards and another copy of the assignment and the rubric for the poster presentation, 3-D artifact, and the oral presentation were handed out today. Many students chose to leave them in school to work on them here, which is fine, but there may be further research that has to be done and that can be done at home.   Also, students should be working on the 3-D component for the presentation, their monologue for the night of the presentation, and their costume.  February 18th will be here soon!  This is a huge multifaceted project that cannot be completed in a couple days.  Students should be working at home now.

BRIDGES:  Students were putting the final touches on their bridges today.  They are spectacular!  We will see how much weight they can hold next week.  Stay tuned for the exact time.  Perhaps, you can join us for the weigh in. 

Enjoy the full moon and the weekend. Ellen 

Sunday, January 10, 2016

January 8th Newsletter

January 8, 2016
Dear Families,

            It is all about bridges in the 6th grade.  Students in both 6th grade classrooms have been mixed up and put into teams of three or four.  Their task is to build a truss bridge, with certain specifications, to see how much weight it can hold.  Teams have a budget of $1,550,000.00.  While that might sound like a lot of money, when each cup of glue costs $500.00, gusset wood costs $75,000.00 each, and  a 36” piece of truss lumber costs $162,000.00,  it goes fast.  Students must come up with a design and their bridge must be an exact replica of the design.  We will be having an evening of bridge testing, the date as yet to be determined, but soon.  Stay tuned!
            We are also in need of more tools.  We need fine saws, wood snippers, and a portable work bench to set up for students to work.  If you have any of these items to loan us, we promise to take good care of them.  Also, if you would like to come in during the day to help students, we usually work on our bridges from 1:45 to 2:45 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fridays. 

Literacy:  All students have chosen an important person in history for their writing profile assignment and are researching and note taking.  Students are also working on a table of contents and an introduction which should be completed by Tuesday.  Please remember that this information profile will be used for students in their poster board presentation of the person.  This presentation will accompany them as they dress up as their person and “become” the person.  We will have an evening of sharing on Wednesday, February 17th.  More details on that later, but please save the date.

Math:  In math we are reviewing adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions as well as simplifying  fractions.  The POW (math problem of the week), The Three Pigs,  is due Wednesday January 13. 

All Winter Fitness activities are slated to begin next Tuesday.  Have a great weekend. 
