Saturday, August 29, 2015

Class Newsletter

        Mrs. Knoedler’s 6th Grade Classroom Newsletter

August 28, 2015
Dear Families,

Thank you for having such wonderful children. The school year is off to a fabulous start. Everyone is  working hard. 
There are always many things to get the year off on the right foot.  We are talking about safe, responsible and respectful behavior and reviewing PBIS behavior expectations for the classroom, the entire school (cafeteria, hallways, playground and the bus). Thank you for supporting your child’s effort to be safe, respectful and responsible. The Family Handbook was also sent home.  This explains, in detail, all school policies.
Our first quote writing response, related to beginnings, was due today, Friday.  On Monday we will set up our reading journals for the 40 Book Challenge.  I cannot stress enough the importance of reading.  Reading is the single most important thing that a person can do to help themselves be a complete learner.  Students also completed an assignment book scavenger hunt to familiarize themselves with their assignment book.
In science, we discussed the scientific method and conducted and experiment to see what cleaned cooking off of a human beings hands better: soapy water or plain water.
In math, students took timed tests in all the 4 operations and a place value assessment.  Students were also assigned two math word problems, or POW”S (Problem of the Week).  We also discussed the proper way to write up the math word problems.  Students have a rubric to follow and a sample write up to follow.  The “How Fast” word problem is due Tuesday September 1 and the Train Problem is due Wednesday September 2.  While the  train problem might not seem like a typical math problem, it does involve logic and quite a bit of thinking!  Ask your child about both of the math word problems.  It is fine to “help” your child, but students should be figuring out the problem themselves.  
Please remember to return the information forms and the classroom blog permission form to school as soon as you can.   
       Picture is Tuesday September 1. 
Have a great weekend.     Ellen